Thursday, September 16, 2010

This Week

Whew! It's been a crazy week for me.

Last Saturday I ran the Fairhaven 15 K with my friend Julie, and we had a blast. My plantar fasciitis was in check, the weather was gorgeous and it seemed the Universe was smiling on me. Then the week began, and I was in full-blown crazy mode planning the visit from the two runners coming to Bellingham from Tateyama, Japan, keeping up with emails from the planning committee for my 25th High School Reunion and taking care of personal tasks that seemed to be screaming at me they needed to be done NOW.

Today, I spent 2 hours getting my hair foiled and cut and afterwards, I finally said to myself, "You have to get out for a run if you want to collect your thoughts." It was warm and dry, so I suited up, clipped on my Shuffle and planned a 12-mile route on the trails.

What do you think happened just as I took my first steps? It started to rain. Do you remember (those of you who grew up on the Northwest) those days walking home from elementary school in the Fall when it was pouring but warm, and you couldn't help stomping in puddles and letting the trickles of water running down from your hair dribble into your mouth? Today was like that for me. For more that two hours I ran with my face pointed up toward the sky and just let the water hit me in the eyes. I was in my tank top and shorts; it was warm.

Days like today are rare. I'm glad I got out there. I was reminded of childhood and expectant of Fall and happy to be running. What did you do today near the end of the week to collect your thoughts?


Andie East said...

Funny that, I did exactly what you did! I went for a run yesterday! Only 3 miles, and not in the rain but very relaxing.

Cami Ostman said...

Some days 3 miles can feel like a million and 12 can feel like a snap. Go figure.... Glad you got out there, Andie.

Anonymous said...

You amaze me, Cami. I'm with you all the way.