Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting to the Core of the Issue

Session two of the 6-Week Fit School Running/Walking Program is under my belt as of this morning. On Monday, Carol had us do a one-mile time trial. I came in at 9:33, and I seriously can’t see how anyone can run the mile any faster than that (though I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes).

Today we ran fast on the straight part of the track and slow on the curves for fifteen minutes. Then we did “the ladder”: One minute fast, one slow; two minutes fast, one slow – and so on. This was followed by some core work.

I cannot tell a lie. I hate core work and my core is, thusly, very weak. At a “kettlebell” workout (I think that’s what it’s called) I went to recently with a friend, the instructor told me that he could see my core was not strong, but reassured me that a weak core was normal for women who had given birth. When I told him I’d never had children he raised his eyebrows and said, “Are you sure?” Um… Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

So, since I’m in the throes of having to come up with goals for the Fit School Program, I’m thinking that strengthening my core should be on the list. The core is, after all, well… the center of your body where all your guts live and off of which your limbs grow. It’s important, the core.

Other goals include but are not limited to: improving running technique, stretching better, longer and more often, getting my workout over in the morning two days a week, making new friends and running stronger. Notice that running the mile faster is not on my list.

What are your fitness goals right now?


Ruthie said...

I take a Kettlebell class at Jogo Crossfit and I love it! My goal is to compete in a kettlebell competition sometime this year.

My other goal is to be able to do 30 pushups in a row without stopping.

kimberly said...

Just finished your book, Cami. Good job! I am 50 & have done about 10 5Ks in the last 6 years. My Dad started running in his mid-50's and has run several marathons and now bikes 100 milers! He's 73 and has inspired MANY people to start running. Keep up the good work. Peace!

Cami Ostman said...

Thanks, Kimberly! And three cheers for your dad. It's never too late to start.

Paulette Martinez said...

First off thanks for sharing your experiences in your book and for your unrelenting honesty. I started running last year, not only did I shed 65 lbs. I have grown to love and need it. (Okay, sometimes it feels like the old joke: "why do you hit your head with a hammer? ...because it feels so good when I stop.) At 52 I am training to run my first marathon. Truly beyond anything I would have imagined for myself even less than 6 months ago!

Cami Ostman said...

Paulette, thanks for sharing your story!How exciting that you're planning your first marathon! Where are you going to do it? I hope you have a good experience. All the best.